We're back from Virginia and we had a great time. I really miss spending time as a family so it was good to have both boys (and Becky) with us.
Today I spent some more time getting ready to get the house listed and preparing for the next set of company coming on Wednesday. I've washed a pile of sheets and towels in the last few weeks and stripped and made up beds repeatedly. This next week should be the last company for a while.
I did get a binding sewn on my blue braid quilt otherwise known as UFO #9. I'll take and post a picture in the next day or so. It's a small donation quilt but it's nice to have another one finished.
Speaking of one of the blue quilts, Adam saw the
string quilt top when he was home for graduation and promptly claimed it for himself. That's one less quilt to donate but the boys each get about one quilt a year so it's nice to have Adam's next one already pieced. Chris' next one will be a queen sized wedding quilt which will hopefully be done by the wedding.
I did squeeze in an hour hike today - the weather cut it a little short and I was soaked by the time I finished but I'm continuing to lose weight. I had my Weight Watchers weigh in today and was down another 1.6 lbs for a total loss of 28.4 lbs since mid-January.