Monday, August 21, 2006

We're back from the Bridal Shower

Becky's in the middle with Chris on her right. Adam is on the left ignoring us all as usual!

The drive was a pain but we enjoyed seeing Chris and Becky. They got lots of presents mainly for the kitchen - someone's going to have to start cooking more!

I don't think I've shared a picture of the kids so I pulled this one from the trip we took to Virginia in June to introduce Becky to my family. Adam was able to get off work and came with us too.

We got back in time yesterday to do a 5 mile hike and then I started piecing the blocks together for the nine patch quilt.


quiltpixie said...

maybe you'll have have to give her a gift certificate to a place offering cooking lessons as a gift for the wedding...

Patti said...

I was thinking about you on Friday as I was heading up the mountain to Snow Lake. You talk casually about 5 and 10 mile hikes, and I wondered exactly where you were hiking? To me hiking means heading to the beach of the mountains and tackling a trail. Around home I just call it going for a walk no matter how long it is. I guess I think of hiking as climbing - and wearing my hiking boots. Do you live in a rural area with lots of trails? Or do you drive to a spot to go hiking? Or do you do long walks from home that don't necessarily mean hiking boots, packs, etc. and call them hikes? I've never been even close to your part of the country so I can't imagine what your hikes are like. I'd love to know.

Linda C said...

Nice looking kids--good that you could join them for the weekend.

ForestJane said...

Last kitchen shower I went to, someone gave the bride-to-be a HUGE tower, wrapped up in three sections, bottom, middle, top. You could tell it was cans of stuff... from the big institutional #10 can on the bottom to the teeny devilled ham can on the tip-top. Only problem was... they'd carefully removed ALL the labels from the cans before wrapping them. Supposed to make meals fun!

They look like great kids. :)

Cher said...

glad you had a fun time and welcome home.

Susan said...

I'm glad all went well. I love the picture you shared!

Darlene said...

Lovely family! I'm glad that you trip went fairly well and that the shower was a hit.

Shelina said...

That looks like all my family pictures! That would be my daughter off in the corner with her nose in a book.