Tuesday, November 21, 2006


No progress on the Cathedral windows yet - I'm spending most of my time walking around the city or working on move details.

The good news is that I've got everything set up for the apartment and we'll sign the lease on Saturday. We had to lease it for the month of December to get the unit we wanted even though we won't move in until our furniture arrives sometime between the 26-28th. The temporary apartment is OK but I'm glad we won't be in it long.


Patti said...

What an awkward time to move - and you are doing it twice! Are you going to be able to get away to spend Christmas with any of your family? (Forgive me if you've talked about that in an earlier post - this memory is aging faster than I can deal with!)

Granny said...

Glad you are getting the apartment you want! When do you go home? When do your movers come? Good luck with it all.

Judy L.

Laurie said...

I'm glad to hear you got the apt. you wanted. Can't ya rush the furniture? ;o) Happy Thanksgiving!