Sunday, July 29, 2007

Still no quilting

Unusual I know but another day has passed without me sewing a single stitch. Keith and I took off this afternoon for Minnehaha Park. It was nice to be out walking/hiking and overall it was a beautiful afternoon but I was a bit overheated by the time we got home. A cool shower felt great. Keith heads out of town again tomorrow so I'll get back to work then.


Deborah Levy said...

Looks like a beautiful place. You'll be longing for these hot days in a few months!!

Laurie said...

It looks like M'haha falls is running pretty well! It's nice to wade in there at the bottom. It's still gorgeous!!! And it keeps moving further and further due to erosion! cool!

Juliann in WA said...

Please tell me how you made that cool collage. And even if you are not quilting, looks like a lovely place to be.

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Jeanne said...

Mary, it looks like you and Keith had a wonderful day to hike and explore.
I love the collage of pictures.