I don't know if you all realize that I love gadgets and electronics (computers, digital cameras, sewing machines, longarms, etc) but one thing I had doubts I'd ever purchase was an electronic book reader. I LOVE books and I couldn't picture myself reading them on a computer type screen.
Well I changed my mind - after weighing the pros and cons I'm going to give the new Amazon Kindle Reader a try. I love the idea of carrying my library around with me in the space of a paperback book, downloading a new book instantly, and paying less per book = more books.
I made the decision to buy a few days after Christmas but they've been back ordered. I got an email last night saying it should arrive the week of February 8th - I can't wait!
It certainly won't replace all books for me but it will definitely be my "carry around" book. I'll just warn you - they aren't cheap but I figure for me the savings in purchasing the books will help offset the cost.
I can't wait to hear how you like it. I have added a few books to my media library on Amazon so I can start reading right away. This is very exciting - from one reader to another.
well that looks interesting...but I think I'd rather hold the book.
Cool idea! Is it light to carry, I wonder? Can't wait to know, I read constantly. Mary, I just love all your quilts and what you do for charity. I wonder if you ever keep a quilt?
I've seen that on Amazon and I passed it by cuz I like holding a book and turning the pages. Can't wait to find out what you think of it!
I'm VERY interested in the Kindle Reader and have been wondering how it really works. Please keep us informed! Since I have no access to an English library and English books are few and far between at the bookstore, this could be the machine that I really need! But the price! Whew! Please give it a review on your blog!
I too want to hear your reviews on this. It's soo "star trek" and I would love the idea of holding this device without worrying about flipping pages in bed waking my husband up :D
Hi, Mary, I'll be so looking forward to hearing what you think of the Kindle. And it sounds like a very nice Florida visit.
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