Since I took over both the family room and the 2nd bedroom for my quilting - we needed somewhere other than the floor for visitors to sleep. We decided to take the entire living/dining room area and create one large living room space and add a really NICE sleeper sofa and coffee table from Ethan Allen which arrived today.

Here's a close-up of the coffee table top - it's woven rattan under glass and it's the perfect size for Scrabble - I'll have to challenge Keith to a new tournament.
I'm not completely crazy about how the room looks but it will do for now - it is cozy.
By the way, did you notice the bubble wrapped light fixture over the ottoman?? We've ordered a ceiling fan to put in that spot but since this was the dining room - - the light that's here hangs really low - Keith keeps hitting his head on it so I wrapped it to cushion the blows to his head!
I think it all looks great!
Love that coffee would be perfect in MY great room!
Coffee table looks really awesome.
I know that feeling of how hard it is to place furniture all the time.
I have an all white and black house with accents, but most of the time people say it doesn't have enough furniture.
Less is more for me, and I have culled so much "stuff" that I now can live minimilly and have less cleaning and dusting, and more time to quilt...
Your living room looks very comfortable. And bless you for trying to protect poor Keith's head..........what more can a man ask for!?
Your romm looks cozy and comfortable. Your new couch and coffee table are really nice. I can see myself with a book, comfortable on the couch and enjoying the view from the window. (I guess I should be reading)
Perhaps taping a FQ of red fabric from the light fixture would help -the he'd see it easier and steer clear of it...
or maybe better yet, when Keith comes home and kicks off his shoes at the door, wrap his head in bubble wrap! LOL :P *giggle, giggle* (I couldn't resist)
Enjoy your trip to Canada! It's so nice that you can travel with Keith so often :) We'll look forward to yoru photo postcards ;)
Love from Texas! ~bonnie
oo love the Ethan Allen.
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