Saturday, September 27, 2008

HeartStrings Block Party

HeartStrings Block Party is in progress this weekend and I'm working on finishing the set of green centered blocks started a couple weeks ago. It takes 48 blocks for a quilt and I have 16 left to make - 8 of which are in progress.

I'm not doing any marathon quilting here - string blocks are easy to pick up and put down - no figuring out where you left off needed.

If you want to join in our Block Party and make a few blocks yourself - the guidelines can be found on here on the HeartStrings website and you can email me for a mailing address to send them in.

I did start piecing some of these last night but then got distracted and started reading. I finished 3 books - two were already in progress and of course had to sleep late this morning to make up for staying up all night reading. Thanks to Cecile and Patti who both sent me books in the mail.

Email me


Gypsy Quilter said...

I'm still organizing or I'd joint in the fun. Heaven knows there are strings aplenty multiplying in their bin as I type (tribble strings). Have fun.

Patti said...

Wanted to let you know I got the check for postage - so sorry I didn't get that message out to you sooner. It wasn't necessary that you send that; thanks - I appreciate it. Discovered I forgot to send the last book in the series so will try to get that out to you before too long. Once again, in spite of my best intentions, I'm way behind on blog reading. I have 51 posts on your blog alone to read!