Sunday, September 28, 2008

I had a great weekend

First I finished up the  48 blocks for my HeartStrings quilt during our Block Party.

Second, I'm grateful for automatic shutoff irons - yes, I was right in the room and didn't even smell anything burning. I never leave my iron laying down so this was an odd exception thank goodness!

I also got a wonderful email about a HeartStrings quilt I'd sent to a woman battling cancer AND I got a thrill when Bonnie posted photos of her charity guild tying a HeartStrings quilt - I love seeing groups working together on these quilts.

Email me


meggie said...

Nice strings you have there!!
Oops with the iron!

Vicki W said...

You were very productive this weekend!

Jeanne said...

Great bunch of string blocks, Mary! There is something to be said for irons that have auto shut-off. *s* It's nice you got to hear from the quilt recipient, too.