Friday, October 03, 2008

Postcard exchange

Not a lot of quilting going but I did manage to make the next postcard for our family postcard exchange. October's theme is Halloween but I much prefer an Autumn theme. Luckily, our *rules* allows you to either use the theme or choose your own.

The sunflower is from the book Ribbon Embroidery Bible - I love that whole series of *bible* books - Embroidery, Quilting, Ribbon Embroidery - I have them all.

As a reminder for those interested, I did post the postcard instructions I made up for the family on my site.

Email me


Vicki W said...

That's really pretty - I think you are ready for a big swap!

Susie said...

Wow, Mary. That is beautiful. I love sunflowers and have never gotten into ribbon embroidery but I think I might now. Thanks for sharing.

Granny said...

That's so pretty! When you make those to exchange, do you make yourself one to keep too? What do you do with them all? They're truly a work of art!

tirane93 said...

excellent color choices and beautiful work mary!

Darcie said... is so rich-looking. Someone's going to be pretty lucky to receive this in their mailbox!

Liz in Kansas said...

I love that method of making a sunflower! You have inspired me.

CARMEN said...

they are so nice! one more thing on my " one of this days" I will learn to make them.
Were do you get clear envelops!