These may be a little hard to see so go ahead and click on them to enlarge.
I don't like having an idea that doesn't turn out as well as I have it pictured in my head so I decided to try these two postcards again. Since I liked the snowflake so much I used the same background and am doing the same embroidery stitches in the snow. I also changed the direction of this first one and put it on point. Looks like fireworks doesn't it??

I haven't stitched the snow in this one on the left yet but I decided to try to add snowflakes on the reject - I hate to waste my efforts too so I have a habit of trying to add to something that's not working. This looks a little better so the reject might just show up in someone's mail box even through it's certainly not my best effort.

And just so you don't think I'm more creative than I am....when I was looking for the beads for the
snowflake I saw these iron-on crystal packets....both the above cards came with the crystal design already in place and all I had to do was press them to my postcard. They were $2-3 dollars and then on sale at Joann's so I thought they were worth a try.

By the way, all these postcards have the same blue background although it looks black in some photos. The second photo shows the truest color.
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Mary, I really like your "reject with addition of snowflakes." The flakes tie the large flake and the date together and add depth and movement. The date no longer seems out of proportion. It's good you kept fiddling with it.
love the postcards! takes a creative mind to deal with things like that. Hope you had a great Christmas.
The redone cards are very nice, indeed. I would have probably have pitched made lemonade!! :)
Nice re-dos! Amazing how much can go into making something so small isn't it!
I love the snowflakes! Very pretty!
I like the revisions, and I think the recipients will be very happy with them. You are right, the multi-colored ones look like fireworks.
I think they all look great! :) I've been wanting to try postcards, I think this year I will put it on my to do list.
They weren't failures, Mary...just opportunities for betterment! I love what you've done...especially those little floss snowflakes! They're super.
We're getting tons of softly falling snow here in ND. Start preparing! ;-)
I love your postcards! No rejects there as far as I can see!
hmmm... I think the snowflake idea looks better as a firework... and the 2009 makes them perfect for Happy New Year cards. ;)
Hi Mary!
I love to make fabric postcards tho I got behind on them this year..they are still in my project box! I stumbled on your site thanks to a forum posting on another site.
I LOVE your idea of the clear envelopes to mail them! I usually stick them in a white envelope to keep them clean but your idea is really brilliant and fun! Thanks!
I purchased an ink stamp that just said "Postcard" on it....and I use that for the backs..then I draw a vertical line under the word for the "division"...just an idea..I found a rather large stamp that had the postcard design on it but I did not want to spend the big bucks just for this...
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