I loaded and quilted a donated top from Barbara today - this one will also go to Project Linus along with the other ones I've been working on for HeartStrings.

I frequently get comments on how productive I am. When trying to finish as many donated tops as I can, I find that if I set up a pantograph or template and thread color on the longarm that I save time if I quilt more than one top before changing them. I just knew that of all the tops I have here waiting I could find another one that I could use the Double Rose pantograph and cream thread with and look what I found in the box of 7 tops sent by Nancy in CT!
The quilt on the left is Barbara's top, finished and ready for binding and the one on the right is Nancy's ready to load. Both of these tops came with backings ready to load on the longarm.
Don't you love the change in the lighting from the first picture? I love the afternoon sun that we get in our apartment. I know we won't find the same light when we get ready to move.

Now it's time to work on bindings.
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Rose vine is perfect for both of them. And the light in your room looks goos in that picture.
Finally back online after the 'mishap' Can't believe how much I use this venue!
Those are such pretty colors, and the rose design is just perfect.
I forgot to ask, do you bind all the donated tops you quilt? Do you bind by machine?
I think the key to productivity is figuring out how to combine or eliminate some steps and you have done this for your quilting. I wish I could figure out how to do this with that pile of paper that keeps appeaing on my desk at work!
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