It's a question I find very difficult to answer but I think it's blue. I realized after I'd been quilting for a couple years that I was drawn to blue fabric ... I still am and typically have more blue in my stash than any other color. I think I've learned that again though the classes I've been taking to learn Photoshop Elements. I want to color everything blue!
My class is over and I'm kind of sad. I've enjoyed learning and playing in my photos.

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I love blue in the form of aqua, but in general I'm not drawn to blue. When it comes to my stash there is a whole lot of pinks & greens. But my house is done in all neutral/earthy colors. Go figure!
bluey greens and greeny blues
Mary - same with me! I too find it hard to say what my "favorite" color is - I tend to like color combinations (I like all the colors). But, also realized a while back that it must be blue because of all the blue in my stash and I have to stop myself from buying more!
That is a tough question. I love red. And I have lots of green things. And brown. But blue? Yes, definitely blue too. Just sitting here, everywhere I look there is a shade of blue "something." I haven't really met a color that I didn't appreciate at least a little bit.
Love the pics of your guys! And they're very MN in the blue hues! ;-)
Sometimes I wish I had a favorite color or style of quilt...I like and do a bit of everything. Makes managing the stash a real chore!
I'm a sucker for pink, any kind, baby pink, hot pink, coral pink. I always find myself wantting to make quilts in pink/green combos. Pastel blue is my second favorite color.
My color for quilting lately are oranges and greens.
For my house decor ivory,browns, cranberry.
Clothing I head to Blues
I've decided mine is blue for the same reason: my blue pile in my stash is by far the biggest. Love the snowball fight pictures!
Yes, there always seems to be some blue in your quilts. But in looking back thru your posts, you often wore different colors! Your tastes have changed over the years. And the boys and Keith had a lot of navy, red, and gray. I wonder what I'd have in my old pictures??
My favourites?? Purple, blues and greens! in that order .. I used to have a TON of purple in my stash, but have been using it up and sort of 'forcing' myself to buy other colours to work with them too .. i got that orange and used it in matthew's quilt and LOVED the result .. so forcing myself outside my colour box was a great thing me thinks :)
Nice work..keep going..
Thank you very much...
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